Recombinant Protein Production

Recombinant Protein Production

We develop strategies in E. coli expression systems to produce proteins specific for your application. Our team can execute both technical transfer of your protocol or develop a customized process.

Expression in Bacterial Cells
Service Options Details
E. coli Strains Strains selected for each project, all common expression strains are available
Expression Optimization SDS-PAGE or WB extracts (total, soluble and insoluble protein) multiple constructs, strains, media, and induction temperatures, 6 and 12 data points standard, optional micro affinity purification
E. coli Expression, Flask 60L per expression (15° - 40° C) and 5 runs per week
E. coli Expression, Fermenter 10 - 440 L
E. coli Expression, Fermenter Custom fermentation development 4 X 5 L or 8 X 1 L in parallel
Protein Purification
Service Options Details
Tech Transfer or Development Reproduce client methods or develop de novo strategy
Chromatography All common techniques including affinity, IEX, HIC, SEC AVANT 25 & 150 and AKTA Explorers
Scouting Develop or refine methods by scouting >10 or more conditions per batch
Scale, Throughput Microgram scale up to 50 g. Parallel purification options available for HT. Up to 90 samples per lot in batch mode, up to 36 samples per lot using column mode purification
Refolding, Dilution or Dialysis Custom 24 condition dilution refolding screen up to 200 L scale dilution refold
Formulation Screen/Stability Study 96 condition formulation screen (buffer/excipient/detergent/salt) or custom. Monitored by turbidity, concentration, SEC-HPLC, target-specific activity assay. Data can be used for purification method development and long-term storage
Quality Control
Service Options Details
PAGE Denaturing, reducing, non-reducing, densitometry (Bio-Rad ChemiDoc XRS+)
Concentration Dye binding assay, A280, RP-HPLC
Western Blot Anti-Tag or Anti-Target, Colorimetric or chemiluminescence (ChemiDoc XRS+)
Analytical SEC Standard or client-specific methods
Reverse Phase HPLC Standard or client-specific methods, purity and / or concentration measurement
Mass Spec Whole protein mass by MALDI or ESI, in-gel digest, LC-MS/MS, by qualified partner
Endotoxin LAL Assay
Activity Assay Absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence (Cuvette to 384-well plate)
ELISA Anti-tag or anti-target, host cell protein, commercial or custom